Bridget Hughes
Unlocking The Heart of Healing
Bridget's live events include compelling stories, lively anecdotes, interactive embodied learning, and cutting-edge science. Her unique themes span personal growth, peak performance, self-inquiry, and self-healing.
Live Events
"Bridget, you are an out and out rockstar. Nobody else can pull off leopard pants, kick-ass heels, and a hot salsa top and then be so damn intelligent and incredibly inspiring. You're the whole package and the real deal. Thrilled to know you and love you. Great job."
Angie McLean
Bridget's corporate events are designed to uniquely address a wide range of audiences and intended outcomes. The 2019 recording below was part of a 2-day Phillips Corporation Senior Team Meeting which included senior executives from 2 continents and their spouses. This was the first time spouses were invited to this type of meeting and Bridget designed a session that would foster self-inquiry, meaningful conversation, and a palpable group connection. Because Bridget stressed privacy so adamantly during this event plus the unexpected surprise of the video cameras, the energy from this event exploded after the cameras stopped rolling. Not only were people talking about their insights throughout the rest of that day and into the weekend, at one point, CEO Alan Phillips even lifted Bridget into the air! (see here.)
Multiplying What Rocks In Life, Love and Work: A Guided Self-Inquiry Process by Bridget Hughes
This video is not intended for passive viewing. Please view this video when you have 70 uninterrupted minutes to follow the process and answer the 21 questions.
To book Bridget Hughes for your conference or event,
please contact:
There are currently no live events that are open to the public scheduled.
To submit an inquiry or proposal contact
"Bridget's teachings are as close to the Dalai Lama's as you can get. She is a wise sage and a gifted teacher."
Beth Duckett
Amazing, off-the-charts great, exceptional, fascinating, inspiring, completely captivating, contagious optimism, and I’m blown away are just a few of the expressions audiences have used to describe Bridget Hughes’ life-changing presentations and interactive workshops.
“Wow! Every time I hear Bridget Hughes speak, either publicly for an audience or in one on one conversations, my heart, mind and body feel such joy in hearing her wisdom. She has done so much research and had so many personal experiences, both as a Licensed Acupuncturist and on her own incredible life journey. This women knows her stuff!! Run, don’t walk to hear one of her inspiring and enlightening talks. Your whole person will be joyful and grateful you did.”
Mary M. Dowling, LCSW-C
Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical
Bridget presents on "A Heart-Mind-Body Approach to Pain" for The National Coalition of Chronic Pain Providers and Professionals.
"Bridget is sensational! The way she tells real-life stories to illustrate her presentation is captivating. Whenever she speaks, there is so much energy in the room that it’s hard to conceive an audience not loving her. Ours did!"
Don Benson
Kittamaqundi Community Church
"This presentation was so tight, and poetry in every word."
Anonymous feedback from a talk given at the Howard County General Hospital/Johns Hopkins Medicine Wellness Center
"Bridget’s Mind-Body Wellness Series was excellent. Though optional, it was well attended and enthusiastically received. Bridget charismatically wove together useful information, teaching stories and mind-body practices in a way that was engaging and immediately helpful. We will definitely have her back again!"
Sherry Stiles
AOL Baltimore (corporate event)
“Our organization, A Community of Transformation (ACT), has been privileged to have Bridget speak to our group every year for the past few years. As the program chair for ACT, I often have a waiting list of potential presenters, but I always make sure Bridget is on our calendar. We rarely have a speaker present two years in a row, but she is one of our most requested speakers and brings in a big crowd. Bridget is an agent of transformation.”
Gloria Hesseloff
Program Chair for ACT
"Bridget, Your talk the other day meant the world to me. I was so inspired and my heart was so opened by it. It helped me to move my own practice to a more joyful place. I've found I often have feelings of "not good enough" in my own health and spirit practices. Your talk really moved me out of that conversation to see the possibility of practice being more joyful, creative and fun! I have talked about nothing else but you and your book the last few days. Having struggled with chronic Lyme disease the last 14 years, your work means just as much to the me that is a patient, as the me that is a practitioner. You are wonderful!"
Name withheld for medical privacy,
Licensed Acupuncturist
“A Community of Transformation (ACT) is a nonprofit educational organization focused on Holistic Health, which hosts monthly gatherings. Bridget is such a deLIGHTful presenter that we bring her back yearly. She totally engages the audience as she blends research, professional experiences, and application. Being in her Presence is a consciousness-raising experience!”
Linda Roebuck
Founder and Chair of ACT, Host Blog Talk Radio: Two Modern Mystics
“Bridget Hughes recently gave a presentation to our support group titled ‘Keys to Unlock Radical MCS Recovery’ using the Mind-Body connection. Bridget is an excellent speaker, her presentation was both inspiring as well as deeply thought provoking. We also appreciated the practical strategies offered to implement her self-healing practices.”
Warren Black
Chemical Sensitivity Disorders Association
"Bridget presented on some unique approaches to stroke recovery in a dynamic, fun way."
Amy Georgeadis
Stroke Comeback Center
"Bridget’s presentation energized me profoundly in such a peaceful way, feeling a whole new connection to my body that I hadn't previously experienced. Bridget’s work is powerful and her presence and delivery is both light and playful yet profoundly wise."
Bob Sima
Singer-Songwriter, performer, storyteller, speaker
Past Events
Unblock and Unlock Heart-Mind-Body Resources and Heal
Art with Heart
Live Large and Transcend Limits
May 5th, 2017
Severn School Alumni Weekend & Arts Showcase
201 Water St, Severna Park, MD 21146
Transcend limits, unlock dormant resources, and unleash latent healing capacities all by using the heart-mind-body connection! What we think of as unusual or unexpected healing or peak performance is often a *normal* capacity once we understand how to change our biochemistry by using cutting-edge, research-based, mind-body strategies. Just as there is a particular chemistry of success within the business magnate who takes a company all the way to excellence, and within the elite athlete who takes a gold, there are particular biochemistries associated with healing and with thriving in any domain. Join renowned mind-body healing expert, corporate coach, and acupuncturist Bridget Hargadon Hughes, Severn Class of ’91 and author of Unlocking the Heart of Healing, for a lively lecture and book signing at the Severn School inaugural Alumni Art Gallery show, and learn how to unlock healing and more. This is open to the public. All are welcome!
Book sale and signing to follow.
November 5th, 2017
Sponsored by ACT Annapolis
held at Unity by the Bay
4 Pointless Forest Trail
Annapolis, MD 21409
Unlocking new possibilities for healing requires that all three pivots of our Heart-Mind-Body connection dynamically interrelate with signals that awaken our latent capacities to heal. Bridget’s work has been featured in Pathways to Virtuosity: Possibility Thinking magazine and she has received a Virtuoso Award from a multinational corporation for her innovative ways of helping clients authentically transform their inner state to thrive and heal. Join Bridget for stories that illuminate keys that have helped clients from a variety of situations and backgrounds to unlock dormant or unexpected healing forces and resources.
Maryland Psychological Association Integrative Health Conference
5 Keys to Unlocking the Heart of Healing
June 9th, 2017
Bon Secours Retreat Center, Marriottsville, Maryland
Attend 5 Keys to Unlocking the Heart of Healing and learn to use your heart-mind-body connection to heal. This class is a dynamic interplay of cutting-edge mind-body science interwoven with inspiring wisdom stories, fascinating case studies, and experiential exercises to equip you with the tools to unlock dormant or latent inner resources that impact mental, spiritual, and physical health.
Self-healing themes include: Cultivating a state of heart that unlocks Inner Molecules of Medicine®, Reversing Divine Deficit Disorder®, and using a Feeling Mantra® to uplift the feeling tone in your heart to profoundly improve the ability of your body to heal.
Deep and lasting transformative change can be approached through the heart, the mind, or the body. An intervention in any of the three impacts all three. Bridget will share research behind some of the biophysiological blocks she encountered on her own path to psychological healing: cerebral allergies, microbes that altered optimal brain functioning, and genetic SNP’s that predisposed her, and two of her ancestors who had been hospitalized for mental illness, to malnutrition states that functionally appeared to be mental illness. There will be an opportunity to brainstorm as a group how to best support, guide and help suffering patients faced with complex biophysiologic blocks to mental health in the context of a medical system that doesn’t yet present an easily accessed organized approach to such challenges.
Unlocking heart-mind-body healing unlocks our fullest capacities for living playfully, powerfully, and in alignment with our sacred purpose. Heal & grow from the inside out!
Interfusion Festival
Unleash Your Dreams
February 10 - 12, 2017
Interfusion Festival is a 3 day celebration of the human spirit. It is a
safe space for self-exploration, expression, play & connection. The
Festival includes over 50 unique workshops and 3 nights of shows,
socials & parties.
The Westin Alexandria: 400 Courthouse Sq, Alexandria, VA 22314
Bridget is teaching on February 10th at 3pm:
Unlock Healing . . . Tap into your mind-body connection and heal. Unlock dormant inner resources that impact peak performance, peak athletics, and radical health. Learn to make Inner Molecules of Medicine and elevate your body, mind and spirit to the next level. Heal and grow from the inside out.
For more information and to register:
To read a blog article about Bridget's class:
Joy in Our Hearts: Unlocking the Heart of Healing Retreat
A Healing Journeys Retreat with Bridget Hughes & Karen Drucker
Westerbeke Ranch
Sonoma, California
November 6th–8th, 2016
Reasons to join us on this retreat:
The food. Westerbeke Ranch has published 2 cookbooks, and their meals have provoked responses such as, “Oh my God!”
Foodie photos here:
The music. Karen Drucker, who has stirred comments such as, “You don’t sing words, Karen, you sing love” and, “The experience of closing my eyes and hearing everyone singing around me brought me to such a deep peace. I walked into the room feeling stressed, and walked out with a sense of calm and renewed faith.” Hear Karen here:
The retreat center. Westerbeke is known as a place that deeply heals and rejuvenates the spirit. Amazing pics here:
Learning, personal growth, and deep healing. Bridget Hughes has inspired remarks such as, "Bridget's teachings are as close to the Dalai Lama's as you can get. She is a wise sage and a gifted teacher.” We will deeply explore the principles of unlocking dormant or under-utilized Heart-Mind-Body resources to heal and live life more fully. Come away from this retreat with a practice uniquely crafted for you, that you will be able to work with for years, or for a lifetime, for continued growth, healing, and peace. Learn to unlock your most potent resource for healing: Your Inner Molecules of Medicine. More about Bridget and the diverse applications of Unlocking the Heart of Healing principles here:
Four Keys to Unlocking Weight Loss, Peak Performance, and Optimal Health
Thursday, March 3rd, 2016
Big Vanilla Athletic Club
26 Magothy Beach Road
Pasadena, Md 21122
RSVP to:
-Change the gene expression that changes
how you metabolize food
-Use your mind-body connection to unlock
dormant resources for peak performance
-Unleash your Inner Molecules of Medicine
for faster sports recovery and optimal health
A HeartMindBody Approach to Autoimmunity
Saturday, February 6th, 2016
Hosted by the Myositis Support Group
Our Lady of the Fields Roman Catholic Church
1070 Cecil Avenue
Millersville, MD 21108
Potluck at 1pm, Talk begins at 1:30. Seating is very limited; please RSVP for a spot:
-Discover the inner art of how to live with heart, touched by the exquisite joy of living, even if
and *especially if* our life and health circumstances include hardship, limitation, or suffering.
-Unlock the most powerful inner resource for healing: our Inner Molecules of Medicine. Through a particular meditative focus of our mind’s eye, cascades of changes in neurotransmitters,
hormones, immune complexes, and more become available to ignite possibility.
Humor, inspiration, stories that move the heart, mind-body practices, and cutting-edge research on mind-body healing fill this 1-hour talk.
Spontaneous Healing: How to Use Your Inner Pharmacy
Bridget Hughes M.Ac., L.Ac., NBCCH
Date: November 7th, 2015
Time: 9AM–5PM
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center
237 Ashton Road, Ashton, MD 20861
Cost: $125
To register online:
To register by phone: (410) 964-9100 x2
The Riviera Beach Community Library is hosting Bridget on 9/12/15 at 2:00 PM for a talk on Unlocking the Heart of Healing. From the fall issue of Happenings magazine, "Local author Bridget Hughes M.Ac., L.Ac., NBCCH shares keys to unlocking our inner resources for healing using the HeartMindBody connection. These teachings are based on cutting-edge research from the realm of mind-body medicine and the latest techniques for awakening dormant inner resources to heal. Learn HeartMindBody Meditation and increase your Inner Molecules of Medicine!" 1130 Duvall Highway, Pasadena, MD 21122